Sign up with a top class coach to support you on your health & fitness journey. Each and every one of our personal trainers are focused on your training goals but also understand lifestyle barriers to participation and adherence. During your consultation we will be on hand to help you build a realistic and sustainable routine.
Receive all of the quality of a 1-2-1 PT service as a private personal training session whilst training with teammates {Max coach/client ratio of 1:5} but at a fraction of the cost and with access to multiple training slots available per day.
Stay motivated and supported through your training journey both in and out of the gym. All of this adds up to a fitness regime you’re more likely to commit to a consistent exercise regime.
Discover more with access to our educational and practical wellness workshops.
Delivered via our specialised coaches and industry peers and specialists, sign up for our specialist one-day nutrition workshops, yoga, functional movement coaching sessions, kettlebell sessions and recovery and wellness services.
At The Training Club™️, we bring your coach right to your doorstep, ensuring they’re with you every step of the way on your fitness journey.
Ready to embark on your fitness transformation? Join The Training Club™️ PT+ and have your coach with you every step of the way. Your journey to a healthier, stronger you begins here!
Stay motivated and supported through your training journey both in and out of the gym. All of this adds up to a fitness regime you’re more likely to commit to a consistent exercise regime.
Delivered via our specialised coaches and industry peers and specialists, sign up for our specialist one-day nutrition workshops, yoga, functional movement coaching sessions, kettlebell sessions and recovery and wellness services.
Ready to embark on your fitness transformation? Join The Training Club™️ PT+ and have your coach with you every step of the way. Your journey to a healthier, stronger you begins here!